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About Me - Who are Clarke Tree Works?

Updated: Jan 12

Hello, I'd like to introduce myself and tell you about the person behind Clarke Tree Works.

Its taken a fair few years to arrive at being a tree surgeon and one that runs his own business to boot. But it started with a year spent in Oregon in the pacific northwest of USA as a 20 year old student. There I studied forestry, tree identification and organic urban farming as part of a study abroad scheme. I took several trips into the old-growth forests in the Cascade mountains as well as being introduced to a variety of tree species. The impact took a while to sink in, but a few years after my degree I decided to pursue it further and went to night school to study Ecology. After gaining a diploma in Ecology from the University of Leicester, I briefly started a small gardening business. I volunteered in Conservation groups regularly. Then I undertook an internship on a ecologically pioneering farm enterprise at Church Farm Ardeley, in Hertfordshire.

"...over stressed and underpaid the trees called me back."

Life pushes and pulls us all, and I was drawn towards Manchester. I worked in promoting and providing training in active travel. I developed a skillset as an educator and for the next 10 years I worked through that career path, first teaching CPD to HGV drivers, then moving into language teaching and finally doing a PGCE in primary education.

Eventually though, I found teaching to be a truly Sisyphean task - over stressed and underpaid the trees called me back. I made friends, and planted an Orchard with a group of timer-framing / wood craft professionals in North Wales. In their woodland I learnt some basic principles of pruning and management. Not long after, I was working as a trainee tree surgeon back in Manchester and learnt my trade under Leo Woodfelder at Woodfelder Tree Care. He runs an excellent, professional tree care outfit in Manchester. The rest is nearly history. I was drawn out to the Peak District to be with my partner and that meant the beginnings of Clarke Tree Works.

I've seen many tree surgeons work and have considered carefully how I wanted to pursue being in this profession.

I never forget how dangerous this job can be and so I never rush.

I work carefully with clients to ensure the service is best for the health of the tree, the needs of the client as well as the needs of the environment.

Being in this industry is very far from cheap! I'm a year in to running my own business and already tens of thousands of pounds have gone into starting up Clarke Tree Works. That said, I'm committed to fair prices. I can and will always justify what I charge.

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